Transitioning from 军事 to College

布莱恩·霍尔科姆投球杰克逊维尔大学可以帮助你从美国大学成功过渡到美国大学 military 上大学 and to life after college. Beyond providing a quality education, 全球网络赌博平台也提供了很多校园资源来帮助你顺利过渡.

全球网络赌博平台最大的资产之一是全球网络赌博平台的VMRC主任迈克·米切尔,他是一名倡导者 for military and veteran students on campus. He will work with you to ensure your 通过协调各种服务,如学术咨询, 辅导,咨询,残疾住宿,退伍军人计划,福利信息 援助服务. Mike can be contacted at (904) 256-7638 or

你可以读到 一些地方和国家的资源,或约 some of our other on-campus 资源 here. If you have questions or concerns and aren't sure whom to contact, this listing can point you in the right direction.


杰克逊维尔大学每学期提供一次军校学生迎新会 (秋季和春季). We strongly encourage our new military students to attend to learn about campus services and support. For more information, contact Mike Mitchell at (904) 256-7638 or Videos from previous orientations are provided below.





Counseling Center and Accommodations

Peer to Peer Program and 金融服务


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Some of the other 资源 and services we use include:

  • US Department of 退伍军人 Affairs
  • 退伍军人法案网站
  • 退伍军人法案比较工具
  • 退伍军人’ Administration Career Scope Assessment Portal: CareerScope takes career and educational planning to a new level. 成熟的职业生涯 职业研究院(VRI)的评估和报告系统是一项 powerful, yet easy-to-use program. With over 50 years of experience developing world-class 在评估项目中,VRI设计了一个自我管理的系统来衡量这两个方面 aptitude and interest through valid and reliable 评估 tasks.
  • 联合服务成绩单:你应该要求一份联合服务成绩单(JST)来帮助杰克逊维尔大学 is assessing your military service for college credit. JST是一个被学术界认可的 由美国教育委员会(ACE)批准的认证服务的文件 成员的军事职业经历与训练相对应 ACE college credit recommendations. 它提供了 a description of military schooling and work history in civilian language. It serves as a counseling tool for academic and career counselors in advising service members and veterans. 它起辅助作用 准备简历和解释陆军,海岸警卫队,海军陆战队,国民警卫队 and Navy work experience to civilian employers. It also saves time and money by awarding 学分,这意味着更少的学费和更少的课堂时间.
  • 网上过渡援助:转型援助信息、就业和工具的最大来源 分离的军事. On this career 网站 for military veterans, service members can 找到从他们非常感激的兵役过渡所需的资源, 为了完美的平民生涯. 军事 hiring employers and advertisers can post job ads, search resumes and advertise directly to military candidates.
  • The National Resource 目录 (NRD):在国家、州和地方各级提供服务和资源 that support recovery, rehabilitation and community reintegration. 访客可浏览 information on a variety of topics including benefits & 补偿、教育 & 培训,就业,家庭 & caregiver support, health, homeless assistance, housing, 运输 & 旅游及其他服务 & 资源.
  • The Verification of 军事 Experience and Training (VMET):由国防部赞助,为符合条件的服务人员提供VMET document (DD Form 2586) on demand. The VMET data is a portion of a member's career 历史,它来自一个大型数据库,多年来建立的数据接收 from the four service's official personnel and training systems. 这个VMET职业 训练历史数据与时间合适的叙述描述相匹配 生成VMET文档.
  • The Army Career and 校友 Program (ACAP):旨在帮助陆军人员从军人过渡到文职人员 职业生涯. The majority of Army personnel retiring and/or leaving the military use this 网站. Companies can list their job opportunities on the ACAP web网站.
  • The Key to Career Success campaign:为退伍军人和过渡服务人员提供高质量的职业规划; training and job search 资源 available at local One-Stop Career Centers. 它提供了 将军事经验与平民职业相匹配的资源,找到工作,获得证书, 证书和执照,协助撰写简历和其他协助. There are multiple Career Centers in Northeast Florida.
  • The Department of Labor sponsors this web网站 that provides a wide range of information of interest to veterans; including e-VETS Advisor, 退伍军人’ Preference Advisor, Uniformed Services Employment & 再就业 Rights Act (USERRA) Advisor and many other 资源 for the veteran.
  • This Department of Labor 网站 provides a crosswalk search 将军队工作与平民职业进行比较,然后浏览大量的 data – wages, employment outlook, required skills – on those 职业生涯.
  • 职业展望手册美国劳工统计局为数百人提供了一份职业展望手册 of different types of jobs, such as teacher, lawyer, and nurse. 这份文件告诉全球网络赌博平台 你需要的培训和教育,收入,预期的工作前景,什么工人 此外,手册还告诉你如何找工作 tips, links to information about the job market in each State, and more. 你也可以 view frequently asked questions about the Handbook.
  • Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR)ESGR是国防部的一个办公室,成立于1972年,目的是促进合作 以及后备役队员和他们的文职雇主之间的相互理解 并协助解决因员工服兵役而产生的冲突.
  • Department of 退伍军人' Affairs Specially Adapted Housing Program退伍军人事务部(VA)管理特别改造住房 计划,旨在帮助严重残疾的退伍军人和服务成员购买或 建造一个适应的家,或修改现有的家,以适应残疾. 有两种补助计划:特别适应住房(SAH)补助和特别适应住房(SAH)补助 适应房屋补助金. Each Veteran’s housing/living needs are as unique 他们的身体残疾. The Specially Adapted Housing program provides hands-on, 为寻求家庭适应的严重残疾退伍军人提供个性化定制服务.
  • 退伍军人 Career Transition Program退伍军人职业过渡计划,由退伍军人协会和 锡拉丘兹大学的军人家庭,免费提供给9/11后的退伍军人, their spouses, and spouses of active duty military. Paid for in entirety by a grant 摩根大通 & Co, VCTP offers solutions to the above challenges, as well as 与特定的教育和培训项目、商业/行业联盟的联系 专注于退伍军人就业和有关国家和州级机会的信息 and benefits for veterans and their families. The Professional Skills Track and the Tech Track课程通过每季录取的顾问领导小组和《全球网络赌博平台》提供 Study Track is available for start at any time.
  • Education Resources for 退伍军人: GI Jobs提供了大量的资源和文章来帮助您顺利过渡 上大学.
  • 军事 退伍军人 Need a College Success Plan: Dr. Stephen Jones provides an outline on the need for a College Success Plan.
  • 美国.S. Service member's Guide to Academic 项目 and 援助s
  • 退伍军人 Resources: Online 大学 Database
  • USAA Guide to Assist in Transitioning to Civilian LifeUSAA提供的分离评估工具可以帮助您更清楚地了解您的关系 财务状况和分居清单可以指导你完成重要的步骤 包括你的工作变动、搬家计划、个人财务和教育机会.
  • 军事.com provides 资源 to assist with military members’ transition
  • Education and Job Opportunities:为退伍军人提供教育和工作机会的信息. 新闻,建议和资源,帮助你获得学位,找工作或开始你的 自己的生意-从兽医的成功故事到最全面的军事招聘会 网上日历.
  • 社交网站:
  • Translate 军事 Skills to Civilian Occupations:利用你的军事技能,并协助你寻找相应的平民职业; 探索教育机会来扩展你的技能,向退伍军人学习 你的专长,申请与你的技能相匹配的工作,识别民用术语 for your resume, and identifying the hot career options for your specialty.
  • 职业评估: